
Become a BRX Owners Member

Get your Owners Membership at no charge and receive the following benefits:

  1. Claim your property
  2. Get special discounts on Property Accreditation
  3. Gain access to our local representation to better manage your property


As an Owners Member you now have access to the following benefits:

  1. Claim your property
  2. Get special discounts on Property Accreditation
  3. Gain access to our local representation to better manage your property

Step 1: Claim Your Property

Your property will be associated with this email. If you wish to claim this property to a different email, please enter the different email.
Please enter the full address of your property.

Step 2: Proof of Insurance

To verify your property you will be required to upload a valid Proof of Insurance. Acceptable “Proof of Insurance” documents are any of the following:

  • A declaration page listing critical information about the policy
  • A letter from the insurer or agent certifying coverage (i.e. Insurance Certificate)
  • A copy of the full insurance policy
Document Upload

Please follow the white screen below to securely upload your document(s).

If you have any questions, please contact us at claims@brxrentals.com.


Step 1: Upload Files to BRX Rentals

      1. Enter your name
      2. Enter your email
      3. Click “Next”


Step 2: Files to Upload

You have two ways to upload your document.

Option 1: Browse

      1. Click “Browse”
      2. Select file from your computer
      3. Click “Done”


Option 2: Drag and Drop

      1. From your computer click on a file
      2. While holding the click button, drag the file to inside of the “Drop Files Here” area
      3. Click “Done”

Step 3: Property Accreditation

Get your property accredited. We are currently accrediting properties in the state of Hawaii.

As an Owner Member, take advantage of a $100 discount and enroll today.

What's the process on how to get my property accredited?

Below is a quick visual overview on how the accreditation process works.

Step 4: Property Management

We are accepting applications for a limited number of properties at this time. If you want more information on our Property Management services, let us know and we will have a dedicated BRX representative contact you. You may also reach us Toll Free at 844-RENTBRX or 844-736-8279 to speak to a BRX Representative.

Do you like to travel?

If you like to travel, you may want to check out our Guests page

Toll Free: 844-RENTBRX or 844-736-8279  |  Email: info@brxrentals.com

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